Wednesday 29 August 2012

Fredericton Apartment

Candle Sitting on the mantle in my apartment
A very big church downtown Fredericton I loved the design and architecture.
Really psychedelic graffiti on the back of a Yoga and Juice Bar. 
Recently made the move to Fredericton for university it's been fun settling into the new apartment and exploring the city.

Monday 13 August 2012


Red throated hummingbird in the backyard.

What's that?

This chipmunk is my new favorite model whenever I find him he sits still for a good five or ten minutes allowing me to shoot tons of pictures of this furry little guy. There's literally dozens, I'll upload a couple more of him later but only the really good ones so he doesn't completely take over my blog.


The mixture of different shades of blue in his tail feathers is beautiful I love these colorful birds.


Chicka-dee-dee-dee, I love the call these little birds make, black capped chickadees all over my region. This little guys hanging onto a suet feeder in the front yard.

Wood Peewee

Me and Dad are pretty sure this beautiful little bird we found perched on a dead tree in our backyard is called a wood peewee he was searching the tree over for bugs to eat.

Mourning Dove

Mourning Dove outside my living room window at our feeder. I would have to say this is one of the reason why I love living in the country so much wildlife. He looks hunched over because he was just about to peck at his chest, I guess he was itchy.

Honey Bee

Took this shot awhile ago. I instantly adored it when I saw it on my computer screen. So easy to see this honey bees big eyes, collecting pollen to take back to the hive and turn into honey, yummm.