Monday, 17 November 2014

Trinket Box

Here's some photos of a trinket box I've had since I was a little girl. The ballerina sits on top as a cover, I should've taken a photo of what it looks like closed but sadly I didn't. Maybe some other time. Anyway I'm pretty happy with the way these came out. Also on deviantart here

It's snowing out again today, seems like I'm gonna have a white birthday this year. At least it's pretty.

Thanks for looking, have a good one!

Friday, 14 November 2014


It's snowing out today, yuck, Managed to get a few nice shots of some hungry little birds though, so that's a plus.

You can find at least the first photo on my deviantart account as well here

Thanks for looking! ^.^

A nuthatch also common in my area but harder to photograph as they're not as friendly as chickadees and easier to spook.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Autumn Tea

I was enjoying a nice warm cup of tea from the Keurig and decided this just might be pretty enough to photograph. The cookies weren't added until after I decided to take some photos, but they made a tasty addition that I had no problem eating. Anyway its Tetley black tea called "indulge", and those maple cookies are one of my families personal favorites. I've already posted two of these shots over on deviantart so feel free to view them there as well, linked down below. 
Taken using a Nikon D60 using a standard lens, edited in photoshop and photoscape.

Anyway thanks for looking!


Hey it's Sam,

I guess I'm back for a bit. Not sure how long this is gonna stick, but I'll try my best to keep this blog going.I'm using a new account now but it's still me. I've got lots of new photos to upload and I'll get on it soon. Just wanted to put a heads up on the blog that I'll be returning.
For now you can see some more recent photos of mine at my deviant-art account here nottimmas

Thanks for reading, I'll see ya soon!